Saturday, 8 October 2011

Hansel and Gretel

These pictures I just found on my computer along with some others from before I went to uni !

Lucky really as I have been so busy it’s been hard to take many pictures.

This weekend the boy left behind his uni to come and visit me :) it’s been so nice seeing someone that gets me completely.

This is one of my favourite outfits at the moment, a sling on maxi and jumper combo.  This maxi dress is from New Look, the jumper is from Urban Outfitters and my shoes are Jeffrey Campbell woven Lana's.

My jewellery is the usual market mix. My silver cross is from my favourite jewellers In Cyprus. The fox tail on my bag is from EBay.

And about the hair….. I have been wearing my hair like this since I was about 5 years old. Its sort of Hansel and Gretel meets MK Olsen.

Hope everyone has a great weekend :) 

Oh also thank you to , I won their Fashion Frenzy Competition … woooo.

Ashley x


  1. You look very pretty (:

  2. Lovely outfit and hairstyle <3 And congratulations :)


  3. aw, ashley i fall in love with your blog more and more every post! your hair looks amazing like this xxxx

    ramz and the flock

  4. Love this outfit, that skirt is adorable ! How are the Lana's , are they comfy ? I hear that they seem to hurt the ankle a bit where theyre open, do you think so ?

  5. thiss is awesome!!
    great hair

  6. Love the hair, is truly amazing!

  7. I love the pattern mixing! You look amazing.

  8. Adorable outfit. I wish my hair was long enough to style like this! It looks amazing!

  9. This skirt is FANTASTIC ! I love how you styled your hair as well. I'm your newest follower x

  10. I think you have by far the best shoe collection babe. Love them all and your style. x


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