Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Little Spotty Dress

Hello people J
First of all here is my outfit today. I’m wearing A New Look Spotted dress (navy), Topshop Cardigan and New Look Wedges.
I love these wedges they are some comfy, I can easily wear them all day without my feet hurting at all!
Hair up for once , not sure its my best look :S

These are my first outfit pictures with my new fringe, I’m still getting used to it, it’s harder to deal with than I thought it would be, drying my hair is now a bit of a mission, as normally I just tip my head over and blast it with the hair dyer, now I have to sort out my fringe and make it flick it the right way!  Anyway rant over!
Here is what I did today at college it’s a self portrait in the style of Julian Opie, created in Illustrator, it was the first time I had used the program and I have to say I didn’t pick it up straight away, the pen tool drove me crazy!  

Me , Opie style

What do you think? I thought it was ok for my first try!
Hope you have had a lovely day let me know what you have been up to....

Ashley x


  1. you look gorgeous, love the pics

    -He approves

    Fashion by He

  2. nice blog, I follow you :)

  3. Ooooh those wedges are soo cute and so is the dress. I love topshop and New Look. You have great hair by the way :)
    Now following

    Laura x

  4. I love your photos! Great outfit :)

    Found you on IFB, I love your blog!! I follow you, you follow me? :)

    Kirstin Marie

  5. Thanks for your comments, I'm following you via google friend connect and bloglovin :)

    Straight Up Style

  6. i feel you're pain. the pen too;, and illustrator in general, have a knack for driving a person batty! keep with it, the pay off can be great.

  7. You look great!



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